大家好! (Hello Everyone!)
I started this blog not entirely sure what topics to write about. However, I keep finding more and more websites, forums and blogs written by Chinese learners out in the world wide blogosphere. Most of the bloggers fall into two categories: Those who recently moved to China, and those who are learning Chinese on their own. All of them chronicle the author's attempts to learn Chinese, or else provide lessons and tips on the language (of varying quality). However, they all ignore the largest group of Mandarin language learners: the regular kind. Classroom learners, in either high school or college, who are taking the old fashioned route. (Flashcards and Integrated Chinese textbooks, all day erreday)
So this is the real deal, traditional route, plain vanilla classroom experiences blog. I haven't (yet) set out on a grand adventure to the Middle Kingdom, or made a pact to listen to Chinese podcasts every day. I'm just trying to flesh out the story a little bit, highlighting the very large group of Chinese learners that have yet to make an appearance online. If you're a parent wondering if Chinese school would be right for your child, or you're a student trying to confirm your experience is typical, or you're a freshman considering what's rumored to be the hardest language to learn: you've come to the right place. Because although I'm writing about the typical learning approach, learning Chinese itself is anything but typical.
Check out the Links tab at the top of the page for useful resources. I'll collect the sites I found most helpful when doing homework, studying or trying to get background help. And the Vocab tab should be fun for anyone trying to expand their Chinese vocabulary without straining themselves too much ;).
To temporarily wrap this up, I'll say this: Chinese has been frustrating, challenging and exciting. I am overwhelming glad I chose to pursue it, and I encourage others to do the same. By building this blog I hope to dispel some myths about the language and while providing a more accurate picture of what to expect.